Haopeng Zhang bio photo

Haopeng Zhang

Assistant Professorat at University of Hawaii Mānoa.

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Haopeng Zhang

I am an incoming tenure-track assistant professor in the information and computer science (ICS) department at University of Hawaii at Mānoa.

I am looking for self-motivated Ph.D students, Master students, and research interns to join my research group!


I received my Ph.D. degree in computer science at UC Davis under the supervision of Dr. Jiawei Zhang. I received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Illinois, Urbana and Champaign (UIUC) and the M.S. degree in Electrical&Computer Engineering / Computational Science from Georgia Institute of Technology (Gatech). My research interests include natural language processing and graph mining, specifically on text summarization, generative AI and LLM applications.

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